Helping the group


Volunteer to help the group as a new year resolution

Zoom presentation 21st Nov.


This weekend (21st Nov 16:30 GMT) Dr Hande Ozdinler will present to the group using Zoom. You are welcome to join – please ask for the link

Lightning Talk

Our chair is taking part in the lightning talk round 3 at #RareShowcase2020 on Thursday 19th November. Hear him talking about using technology to identify the needs of those with #HereditarySpasticParaplegia. More details here:

Coronavirus – Update on Meetings


Trustees decided at a recent meeting it was inappropriate to re-start face-to-face meetings until at least after the flu season.

New Video!

There is a new video on our YouTube channel – Dr Gita Ramdharry talks about physical activity and rehabilitation in HSP

Next Presentation

On Tuesday 11th Aug at 13:30 Gita Ramdharry will talk about rehabilitation and physical activity in HSP