Award Presentations

We met up with Lily Rice and Peter Bateman recently to present them with their awards, as announced at the AGM. They were both delighted!

Lily Rice won the David Pearce award for raising awareness of HSP, and Peter Bateman won the David Pearce award for fundraising. If you want to hear more details about their stories, watch at 10:53 in our AGM recording:

Our treasurer, John Mason, presented Peter with his award in Porthcawl, and our membership secretary, Ian Bennett, presented Lily with hers in Eastleigh.

These are the groups first awards, and we will award these again next year at the AGM. The awards are around the personal stories leading to that person making the choice to raise funds or raise awareness.

If you know of someone who has been raising awareness or raising funds and wish to nominate them for next years awards please get in touch with us. We’ll need to know who you want to nominate, and why.

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