How to join the HSP Support Group

If you've been diagnosed with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) or Familial Spastic Paraparesis (FSP) you are not alone. Though it is a rare condition, there are hundreds of people UK wide who are either living with, or facing a possible diagnosis of HSP. We are here to help and cordially invite you to join us as an HSP Support Group Member.
Membership is open to anyone resident in Great Britain & Northern Ireland, with an interest in HSP. This includes those with a diagnosis, their loved ones, their carers, and anyone with a specific interest in the condition. If you haven’t already checked out the benefits of joining, do so now.
The HSP Support Group is not funded by government or any other organisation and so, membership requires a small annual fee: We have two types of membership available: Standard and Honorary.
Membership is for people with HSP, carers, family or friends of someone with HSP
Members have a vote at the AGM
Members may apply for grants e.g. for mobility aids
They receive the Newslink newsletter
They are welcome at any local meeting of the Group
The membership fee is £15. The fee is discounted to £10 for pensioners or people with limited means.
Honorary / Associate membership
Membership is for healthcare professionals, for example consultants, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, fitness instructors who want to improve their knowledge of HSP
Honorary /Associate Members do not have a vote at the AGM
They receive the Newslink newsletter
There is no membership fee.
Want to apply?
Joining couldn’t be easier. Open the on-line application form, complete it and Send. The form also contains the information to enable you to set up a standing order for annual membership payment, and a gift aid form which we encourage you to complete if you are a UK taxpayer, so that we can reclaim tax on any monies paid to us.
Have questions about membership?
We are always happy to answer any questions you have, so please contact the Membership Secretary for a quick chat.