Wales area Zoom meeting report

9th May 2021

The Wales area Zoom meeting took place on Sunday 9th May at 3pm. 10 people were present for an informal chat about all things HSP.

Colchester Zoom meeting report

2nd May 2021

We held our first gathering on Zoom on Sunday, 2nd May. This initial get together was an experiment for those of us who regularly attend our usual face to face meetings at Feering Community Centre, near Colchester.

Midlands area Zoom meeting report

19th April 2021

We had a super Zoom chat at 3pm on Sunday 19th April 2021. No new members this time, but we enjoyed lots of discussion around a wide range of topics.

Milford Zoom meeting report

17th April 2021

We managed a Zoom meeting on the 17th April!!! Although booked in November 2020, the death of Prince Philip, determined our April meeting may not be possible, due to his funeral.

Midlands – Zoom meeting


Virtual meeting via Zoom, for those who would normally attend the Midlands HSP Support Group meetings.

Midlands Zoom meeting report

31st January 2021

We shared a lovely Zoom with 12 UK members, one completely new to the Support Group, some from different regions, and several of our regular members too.

Coronavirus – Update on Meetings


Trustees decided at a recent meeting it was inappropriate to re-start face-to-face meetings until at least after the flu season.

Digital Meeting, 1st August

Dr Channa Hewamadduma: HSP – Insights from a large regional cohort of patients. Sat 1st August at 11:00 (BST). All are welcome to attend!