We shared a lovely Zoom with 12 UK members, one completely new to the Support Group, some from different regions, and several of our regular members too.
Everyone was happy to introduce themselves, and it was really nice to share and exchange our own personal HSP journeys, all similar in many ways, and so different in others.
It was uplifting to hear some really positive views and experiences about wheelchairs that our members used. One member used a lightweight chair that could either be powered by hand-cycling, or by battery, made by Team Hybrid, in Portsmouth.
Do have a browse, here is the link: https://www.teamhybrid.co.uk
We talked about how exercise is so very much needed for anyone with HSP – “Use it or lose it” has been heard by us all, and of course with restrictions in the lockdown, and having just had lots of Christmas fayre, is even more important.
One member said how much he enjoyed doing Aerobics at home in his wheelchair! He suggested we looked at YouTube, putting “Seated Aerobics” into the search. You’ll find LOADS of fun and not-too difficult exercises of all different styles and strengths, and for all ages too, so you will be able to choose one to suit your own personal needs.
It was lovely to have a free, open and warm natter together today – we couldn’t find the ‘mute’ button but found it really wasn’t needed. We just asked everyone firstly to listen to the news that we had to share, and when everyone had introduced themselves, raise a hand if they wanted to share something and worked really well for us all.
Our next zoom chat will be on Sunday 18th April at 3pm, please look out for your email from John Mason, or on the HSP Website, or Facebook HSP UK.
If you are interested, please contact either of us for the link details:
Penny Cohen – pennycohen57@hotmail.com Mob: 07818 288738
June Masding – june_masding@hotmail.co.uk Mob: 07500 584681