Scotland Zoom Meeting Report

31st October 2021

This was the third Zoom meeting we have held and we were pleased to see some new faces of all ages, some who watched and some who stayed for part.


Birmingham Zoom Chat Report

Saturday 16th October 2021 – 2pm

Everyone welcomed. Only four people attended this time. We welcomed our newcomer and had lots to talk about including Botox, walking aids, FES and families with HSP.


Wales / Bristol area zoom meeting report

10th October 2021

The meeting started at five pm (as advertised) but I was quite disappointed that only one member showed up, even though the meeting was well advertised and John Mason sent out 42 invitations.

Wales area Zoom meeting report

20th June 2021

The Wales area Zoom meeting took place on Sunday 20th June. Even though only three members attended, we still had a lot to chat about.

Wales area Zoom meeting report

9th May 2021

The Wales area Zoom meeting took place on Sunday 9th May at 3pm. 10 people were present for an informal chat about all things HSP.

Colchester Zoom meeting report

2nd May 2021

We held our first gathering on Zoom on Sunday, 2nd May. This initial get together was an experiment for those of us who regularly attend our usual face to face meetings at Feering Community Centre, near Colchester.

Midlands area Zoom meeting report

19th April 2021

We had a super Zoom chat at 3pm on Sunday 19th April 2021. No new members this time, but we enjoyed lots of discussion around a wide range of topics.

Milford Zoom meeting report

17th April 2021

We managed a Zoom meeting on the 17th April!!! Although booked in November 2020, the death of Prince Philip, determined our April meeting may not be possible, due to his funeral.


Zoom meeting for All

March 14th 2021

I was delighted that 20 members joined me for the zoom meeting for all members on March 14th because when I’d originally planned the event, I hadn’t realised it was Mothering Sunday. We had members from all over the UK including four from Scotland.

Vaccination scams

There has been a worrying rise in the amount of scams doing the rounds – especially in relation to the coronavirus vaccine. Not only are there many about, but they also look very genuine. This post by Mike Cain explores how to recognise the real thing. The vaccination is free via the NHS. Most appointments will be made via your …