31st October 2021
With guest speaker Lindsay (Physiotherapist)
Hosted by Joseph
This was the third Zoom meeting we have held and we were pleased to see some new faces of all ages, some who watched and some who stayed for part. It was useful to get a teenagers perspective. Indeed some had common interest, although they lived some hundreds of miles apart.
We had a speaker ( Lindsay) about the physio service available in a small part of Glasgow and it was surprising how it is important for the patient to take time to have their say in the assessment process. Lindsey gave a presentation with slides to those who wanted them. Lindsey then went on to a questions and answer period covering Hydro Therapy and services by Postcode lottery. She gave us some handy websites and undertook to tell us SOME neurophysios in Scotland. You can see more from Lindsay’s presentation below.
We discussed some elements of what happenned in the Holyrood Cross Party Group and the next meeting (rescheduled for January 2022). We also discussed how individuals can help.
We discussed some possible locations when we are able to meet in person and the requirements of a venue. Originally the physical meeting was arranged for the Holiday Inn Express in Stirling, which is a long way from SW Scotland. There is still a need for a Zoom meeting for those in more remote parts.
Presentation from Lindsay:
HSP & Physio
- Improving Functional Ability
- Managing Spasticity
- Prevent Contractive Development
- Cardio Fitness
- Help to Reach Goals.
Treatment can only be as good as the assessment its based on.
Neurological Assessment is in 2 parts, these consist of Subjective and Objective questions, covering the following areas:
- Range Of Movement
- Strength
- Tone, MAS
- Propriocaption
- Coordination
- Sensation
- Gait and Function
- Balance, BERG, Tinetti, Minibest.
Treatment Plan
- Should be quite clear
- Should include a program for you to work on
- Should be individual to you and your symptoms
- Some people might work best with advice, Others might need a few sessions.
Goals come in 2 parts, Physio Goals, e.g. improve balance and Personal Goals, e.g. Put shopping away without falling over. SMART, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timeframe.
Examples of Treatment for Spacticity
- Stretching for 30mins to increase tissue length
- Botox Referral
- Medication Review
- Strengthen opposite muscles. Strengthening wrk done at 70 % of max
- 15 reps and 3 sets
- Dynamic Movement, body weight exercise and core work
- Balance
- Specialised to what you find difficult
- Swimming/Hydro
- 45 mins, twice a week will improve Gait speed
- 30 mins in the pool equals 2 hours on land
- Improves balance, endurance and decreases spasticity.
Handy Websites
- Health Services, PDRU Physical Activity
- NHS Inform – Preventing Falls/Strength and Balance.
Discussion and Q&A
- List of Private Neurophysiotherapists
- Swimming/Hydro benefits
- Inconsistent treatment, i.e. Post Code Lottery
- Scottish Government meeting in Dec
- Future Meetings Locations
- Disabled Access
- Good Location for Public Transport
- Free meeting room for charities.