28th January, 2023
Meeting report by Della Brookman
Twelve of us got together at the Orange Tree pub in Hitchin, Hertfordshire.
It was good to see familiar faces as well as members that have returned after a few years. Great to catch up and spend time with HSP’rs, face to face, after a long wait.
The meet was arranged as a last minute thing and was advertised by the HSP Support group e-mail facility & the Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia support for UK HSP’rs’ group on facebook. We try to get together in January & September. January, after the busy Christmas holiday period & September, after the summer holiday season.
We enjoyed lunch & a drink together and chatted about everyday life & HSP related subjects on Wheelchair exercises, mobility aids and holidays as well as discussed stories of experiences in daily life etc.
We are looking forward to the September ‘Get together’ & hope to meet you then, or at any other HSP support group meetings that are dotted around the UK, including zoom chat meets, where no travel is needed.
Comments 2
Hello my name is Joshua I’m 53.I think I would like to meet you guys could you send me dates when you meet for hitchin
I don’t think the next meeting has been organised yet. If you keep an eye on the meetings and events page, it will appear on there: https://hspgroup.org/hsp-support-group-events/
Or you can get in touch direct with the meeting organiser. Her details are on this page: https://hspgroup.org/events/social-get-together-hitchin-215/