New HSP Research Award

EuroHSP and Tom Wahlig Foundation

There is a new award for HSP researchers, being funded by EuroHSP, the Adolf Strümpell Prize with a value of 2,500 Euro. It is a best paper award to recognise research achievements in therapy/treatment for HSP.

Potato Pants Mini-fest On-line

Potato Pants Festival

The Potato Pants mini-fest on Easter Sunday was a great success, and has now raised (with gift aid) just over £1000 for the group.

Potato Pants On-line Mini-fest!

Potato Pants Festival

A few of the potato pants musical regulars will be performing a live on-line set for the HSP Support Group on Easter Sunday between 16:00 and 18:30. Amie Knight, Matt Griffiths, Mikey Ball and Matt Black are extremely talented Dorset musicians who have donated their time to us. The event will be free of charge to watch, but we would …


Coronavirus Vaccine


HSP is a Neurological Condition. If you are in the UK, have HSP, and have not had your first Coronavirus vaccine, you can now book this yourself online or through 119. The UK has got to Group 6 – adults with underlying conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease. The underlying condition list includes neurological conditions. 22 …


Zoom meeting for All

March 14th 2021

I was delighted that 20 members joined me for the zoom meeting for all members on March 14th because when I’d originally planned the event, I hadn’t realised it was Mothering Sunday. We had members from all over the UK including four from Scotland.

New Q&A Video

Q&A session highlights from Dr Channa Hewamaddumas talk at the AGM in August 2020

New Q&A Video

New video on our Youtube channel with selected highlights of the Q&A session following Prof Andrew Crosby & Dr Emma Baple talk recorded on 25th July 2020

Vaccination scams

There has been a worrying rise in the amount of scams doing the rounds – especially in relation to the coronavirus vaccine. Not only are there many about, but they also look very genuine. This post by Mike Cain explores how to recognise the real thing. The vaccination is free via the NHS. Most appointments will be made via your …