Tony two sticks – part 2

Glad to bring you Part Two from Tony Two Sticks. We had lots of questions about the adaptions he has made to his chair, so here is some info!


Heather and Joe’s story

Heather & Joe have been beach walking for HSP1000 – read more about their journey here:


Lake swimming for HSP1000

HSP1000 Swimming

As part of the HSP 1000 Mile Challenge – Caroline has been out lake swimming, and wow that water looks refreshing!!


Introducing: Tony two sticks! (part 1)

Tony two sticks, & Bella, his Cockerpoo, have been racking up the miles for the HSP1000 challenge. And wow – does Tony love a challenge!


Mike’s 100 miles

Mike has set himself the personal challenge of 100 miles in one month, as part of the HSP 1000 Mile Challenge! & he is doing brilliantly!