Research request – Pregnant women

The MuM-PreDiCT research group is trying to improve care for pregnant women who have multiple long-term health conditions through research. They need help to prioritise outcomes that should be reported in all studies of pregnant women with multiple long-term conditions.

The group would like to hear from you if both of these factors apply to you:

  • You have been pregnant in the last five years or you are planning a pregnancy.
  • You have two or more long-term physical or mental health conditions

If you want to help and this sounds like you, complete this form (20-25 minutes). The survey is open until the end of May 2022.

Health conditions include both physical (e.g. HSP, asthma, eczema, kidney disease) or mental health conditions (e.g. depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia). Partners, family, carers or clinicians of these people are also welcome to contribute. The study is keen to hear from women or from people who do not identify as women.

The survey work will be used to create a Core Outcome Set, which will help shape the design of future research studies. If you have any queries please contact Siang Ing Lee (Clinical Research Fellow,

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