There is a useful guide on the AutoTrader website which gives advice for people with disabilities interested in getting an electric vehicle.
The guide gives an overview of the key points you might like to consider:
- Accessible driving statistics – people with existing health conditions drive less than people without. The number of blue badges issued is going up.
- With some conditions there is a need to report these to the DVLA.
- Electric vehicles can bring benefits to people with disabilities – these being smoother, quieter, and with lower running costs. But, there are some issues with charging, range anxiety and upfront costs.
- Electric vehicles can have similar adaptions to other vehicles – hand controls, pedal modifications, electronic accelerators, steering aids.
- The Motability scheme now includes electric vehicles
- Solutions are being introduced to overcome barriers at charging locations, with new standards being implemented.
- They also give a load of links to other useful sources
If you’d like to see this guide, you can access it here: