On the run up to an announcement on the Wales Rare Disease Action Plan, journalist and HSP Support Group member, Phil Parry, discusses the issues faced by those with HSP in an article for The Eye.
Welsh Cross Party Group Pre Zoom
As some of you will not be able to attend the Welsh Cross Party Group at Senedd on Wed May 18th, Mike Cain is intending to have a zoom meeting on Tuesday 17th at 19.00, to hear any views you wish him to express. The HSP Group is represented and at present will raise the following point;- Wales is developing its …
Welsh Cross Party Group at Senedd
On Wednesday 18th of May, the Senedd Cross Party Group will be discussing its response to the UK strategy published in Jan 2021. It is important that HSP is the voice of Rare Diseases and a treatment strategy planned. Each of the Home nations is to produce its response to the England strategy published in 2021, so that it is …
Wales and Bristol Area Zoom Meeting
This is a chance for an informal chat and the opportunity to meet people who have similar experiences. Please contact the organiser for more information and to register for the event.
Wales area Zoom meeting report
20th June 2021
The Wales area Zoom meeting took place on Sunday 20th June. Even though only three members attended, we still had a lot to chat about.
Wales area Zoom meeting report
9th May 2021
The Wales area Zoom meeting took place on Sunday 9th May at 3pm. 10 people were present for an informal chat about all things HSP.