SPG 11 and SPG 15 Zoom Meeting Report

26th January 2022
We have a separate meeting for these types of HSP because, although they are very similar to each other, they are very different, in some ways, from other types of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia.

SPG 11 and SPG 15 Zoom Meeting

This will be an opportunity to get together with others who have SPG 11 or SPG 15 or who support someone with one of these types of HSP. You can read a write up of our last meeting here. If you have any questions or to receive the joining link for the meeting, contact me by email. I look forward …

SPG 11 and SPG 15 Zoom Meeting Report

4 November 2021

You may wonder why we would have a separate meeting for these two types of HSP.  It’s because, although they are very similar to each other, they are very different, in some ways, from other types of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. 

Zoom Meeting for SPG 11 and SPG 15 Families

As we SPG 11 and SPG 15 families are scattered across the country it’s difficult for us to meet face to face. So, we thought it would be good to meet on zoom. It will give us an opportunity to get to know other families in the UK and to share experiences and advice. There is no need to be …