The 2022 Potato Pants Festival
The 2022 Potato Pants festival is taking place on September 3rd at Cobham Sports and Social club on the outskirts of Wimborne. It’s a family friendly festival with activities and facilities to entertain the children.
This year we’ll have 12 musicians including bands and solo artists entertaining us on two different stages from 12.30pm until 11pm. All the musicians are from Dorset or West Hampshire because this event supports local music, and the amazing musicians play for next to nothing. I buy them lunch and a drink or two.
There’ll be crazy potato pants races taking place throughout the afternoon, where people fill the special trousers with potatoes and race each other. This is great fun but also has a serious side. It’s intended to give people an idea of what it’s like to have Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. This all comes from a lady who once explained to a close friend that her HSP felt as though her trousers were full of potatoes, making her very clumsy and very tired. Many people who’ve taken part in these races have given me a hug afterwards saying, ‘I had no idea that your mobility is such a struggle’.
Food will be available throughout the day and the bar will be open from start to finish.
The site is very accessible with disabled toilet facilities and mobility scooters will be available to hire at the event. Special thanks to The Mobility Shop for providing this service. There is free on-site parking with level access to all areas.
Tickets are £11 per person and under 12’s are free. Tickets are available from: https://www.wegottickets.com/event/541259 We are limited to 500 tickets and if there are any remaining on the day, they’ll be available on the gate.
Please try to support this event. Every penny raised is used to either fund research into HSP or help fund mobility equipment for someone affected with HSP.
For further information, please contact Ian Bennett on 07941 535282 or email bravoechonovember@btinternet.com